Attorney William Naumann Esq. of the Naumann Law Firm recently recovered $3,011,500 in damages on behalf of several South Bay Commercial Business Owners in a construction defect lawsuit.
The firm filed a lawsuit in the San Diego County Superior Court on behalf of Plaintiff Commercial Condominium Owners (“Owners”) against the developer. The project was originally constructed in the 2004-2005 timeframe and consisted of eight, large warehouses.
The owners first identified potential construction issues when their driveways and streets started to crack and fall apart. The driveways became undrivable in some areas. Inside the buildings, the ceilings started to pull apart from the walls.
In the course of discovery, Mr. Naumann learned that the soil on this site was highly expansive with high levels of clay. The soil engineer had recommended that the highly expansive soil be removed, and that water be kept away from the foundations. During depositions, the attorneys learned that the builder/developer ignored the engineer’s recommendations. The water infiltration into the highly expansive soils caused the foundations to lift and crack.
In addition, it was discovered that the streets and driveways were not constructed per the engineer’s plans. The driveways needed to be built to withstand the weight of large trucks delivering goods to the warehouses. Unfortunately, the base and asphalt were constructed too thin to handle the traffic.
Following multiple mediations before Special Master James Roberts, the firm successfully obtained a settlement for the Condominium Owners in the amount of $3,011,500.00.
Found a construction defect on your property? Don’t ignore it – our team at The Naumann Law Firm in San Diego can help. If you’re a homeowner, association or builder seeking representation in construction defect litigation, our law firm has more than 35 years of experience handling significant construction defect cases. To learn more about construction defects, click our construction defect litigation page.
To contact us, call 844-492-7474 or visit our San Diego construction defect contact page. We also work with clients in Los Angeles, Orange County, Riverside, San Bernardino. Please contact us today for a free consultation with one of our construction defect attorneys – we look forward to hearing from you.