At our San Diego Construction defect law firm, we have launched a new construction defect litigation website. We wanted to make it easier for our clients to communicate with us and find information about construction defects in California  

The new site showcases our high-quality legal services in an easy-to-navigate format. Our site is full of information on construction defects, construction defect litigation, and our services. 


One site has a Live Chat. As a site user, you can message us any question about construction defect litigation at any time. One of our staff members will respond to your messageWe want to help clients and potential clients identify if their issue is a construction defect case that we can take onThe Live Chat feature is at the bottom right of the screen. 

Construction defect site features:


News  The News tab includes the latest construction defect blogs and announcements regarding happenings in this field of law, settlements, company happenings, and more. 


Resources – We share links to legal resources, associations, regulations, and state and government websites. 


Construction Defect Litigation – In this tab, we answer some FAQ on construction defects, as show pictures of construction defect examples. 


About Us – In this tab, you can learn our staff and attorney profiles, testimonials, victories, accomplishments, awards, philanthropy, and more. 


Social Media – We share links to our Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter pages. We actively post to these social media accounts. 


The site is organized and it’s easy to navigate and understand.


There are many ways you can contact us on the site. Our phone number and address are on the top of the site. There is Request a Free Consultation” button on our top banner. We have shared a “How Can We Help You?” form midway down the homepage. Our contact information is also available at the bottom of the homepage, and on the “Contact Us” tab/page at the top of the homepage.  


Come check out our new site here: San Diego Construction Defect Lawyer  


Our team can help represent you for a construction defect case. If you need more information on construction defects, visit our construction defect litigation page. 


If you are a homeowner, association or commercial owner seeking representation in construction defect litigation, our team at our California construction defect law firm can help. We have more than 35 years of experience handling significant construction cases with complex issues. Call us to set up a free consultation. 


To contact us, call 844-492-7474 or visit our San Diego construction defect contact page. 



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