The San Diego Lawn Firm announced that they have won $1,171,500.00 in damages for several Homeowner Associations relating to construction defects at their properties.

San Diego, CA
Arterro Homeowners Association
Developer: Davidson Homes
Settlement: $525,000.00
The Association and a portion of the single-family homeowners sued Davidson Homes for excessively high-water pressure. The excessively high-water pressure combined with improper workmanship of PVC piping caused several homes to experience main line leaks in the front of their respective homes. The high-water pressure also put added strain on the fire sprinkler systems for each home. After several mediations, the Association and group of single-family homeowners recovered funds from the builder to address the main line leaks and fire sprinkler issues.

La Jolla, CA Ziani
Maintenance Association
Developer: Lennar Homes of California, Inc.
Settlement: $475,000.00
This Association was experiencing flooding and ponding water at various common area locations. Additionally, the Association has a large driveway paver system used by all owners for access to and from their private garages. The driveway pavers were experiencing subsidence and early deterioration. The Association sued the developer claiming inadequate and improper site drainage as well as a defective driveway paver system. Our investigation revealed several issues with site drainage and discovered the developer used the improper sized pavers that were meant for light vehicle traffic only. We recovered sufficient funds for the HOA to make the driveway and drainage repairs.

San Diego, CA
Felspar Street Townhomes
Association Developer: Pacific Beach 2012 LTD
Settlement: $82,000.00
The Association was experiencing excessive stucco cracking and water intrusion through an exterior wall among other issues. There were also noise transmission issues between adjacent units. We were able to resolve the case after identifying and bringing in all the subcontractors that were involved with the defective components.

San Diego, CA
Lamont Street Townhomes Association
Developer: Pacific Beach 2012 LTD
Settlement: $89,500.00
The Association was experiencing excessive cracking at hardscape and stucco among other issues. There were also cracking and slope issues on the balcony decks. We were able to resolve the case after identifying and bringing in all the subcontractors that were involved with the defective components.

Our Law Firm represents homeowner associations, high/mid-rise condominium and condominium conversion associations, single and multifamily residential homes and commercial property owners in construction defect litigation. We have over 35 years of experience handling significant construction defect cases with complex issues. Call us to set up a consultation.
If you need more information on construction defects, visit our construction defect litigation page. To contact us, call 844-492-7474 or visit our San Diego construction defect contact page.
We also practice Los Angeles construction defect litigation, Orange County construction defect litigation, Riverside construction defect litigation, and San Bernardino construction defect litigation.

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